What is a Tri-it triathlon?

Exceleration’s Tri-it Triathlon is a multi-sport community event for ALL ages. It is spectator friendly and fun for the whole family, so come join the spirit of our event:

  • Community event, spectator friendly, GREAT prizes and lots of fun! Every finisher is a winner! and will receive a medal, t-shirt, prize package, and an entry to the draw prize.
  • Youth Relay for 10-19 yrs. Mix your age groups. One swimmer, one cyclist, one runner.
  • Toddler Tri for parent-guardians and tots of all ages! Trikes welcome.
  • 4-7 year olds are allowed one buddy to accompany them.
  • Competitive sprint races for age groups ranging from 8-19 yrs.
  • Excel and Excite divisions (between the ages of 4-5 and 6-7) are allowed ONE BUDDY to accompany them throughout the race.
  • Youth Tri-a-Tri for athletes 12+ years who just want to “try a tri”.

It is held annually at Templeton Park Pool in Vancouver, BC, Canada and is sanctioned by Triathlon BC as part of their Kids of Steel Race Series.

Transition Information Sheet

My First Triathlon, A Book to help with the big day

Tri BC Detailed Rules

International Triathlon Union (ITU) Official Rules

    Bike Course Video

    Run Course Video

    New to Triathlon? You only need a few things to get off to the races. 

    The swim

    • a swim suit (must have)
    • goggles
    • swim cap (optional but some races provide all athletes with caps)

    The bike

    • a certified helmet that fits properly and is less than 5 years old
    • a bike (any type will do—mountain bikes are recommended for KOS athletes)
    • shirt, singlet, or swim suit to cover the chest and stomach (must have)

    The Run

    • running shoes with good support
    • shirt, singlet, or swimsuit to cover your chest and stomach (must have)

    Optional items

    • water bottle
    • elastic number belt to pin your number on
    • sun glasses
    • hat or visor (if it’s sunny or raining)
    • towel for drying your feet

    Learn how triathletes swim, bike, run and transition.

     Learn how to get through transitions quickly and safely. Our training programs are a perfect complement to the tri-it triathlon event. Sign up for one of our sessions.

    Important Notes: 

    • Cycling helmets are only designed for one hard crash, even if they do not look damaged.  Replace helmets after a crash or if a helmet has been thrown or dropped repeatedly on a hard surface.
    • Avoid borrowing or buying used helmets.
    • Replace helmets at least once a year if children and youth are riding often.
    • Complete a thorough bike check before each ride (BikeSafetyPDF) and take the bike in for regular maintenance at a bike shop.
    • Brakes. Ensure athletes can reach the brakes comfortably, brake pads are not worn, and the brakes work quickly and effectively.
    • Size.  Ensure the bike size fits your athlete and will not cause injury (BikeSafetyPDF).

    Safety Reminders:

    This race is sanctioned by Triathlon BC as part of their Kids of Steel Race Series and is subject to Kids of Steel Rules. For your safety and enjoyment, it is recommended that ALL athletes:

    •  Helmets should be certified by: CSA (Canadian Standards Association), ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), BS (British Standard), AS (Australian Standard), SNELL, or CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission in the U.S.).
    • Show respect to everyone—cheer on your fellow competitors and thank the volunteers along the way.
    • Be familiar with road rules and proficient at basic bike skills (e.g. signaling, stopping, cornering, riding in a straight line, riding with other people and passing)
    • Know the course. Come to the course tours, learn the obstacles and challenges.
    • Excel and Excite (4-5 & 6-7) are allowed ONE BUDDY to accompany them throughout the race
    • Energy are allowed ONE BUDDY in the swim
    • Bring weather-appropriate clothing for cold, wet, or hot and sunny weather.
    • Invest in a full bike and helmet tune-up before race day. *Note, helmets must be safe and certified.

    Race Rules and Reminders

    • All KOS rules are in effect. Please read Kids of Steel Rules & Safety.
    • ALL athletes, parents, spectators, coaches, and volunteers are expected to demonstrate respect and sportsmanship behaviour. Please, use only positive, supportive communication. Any person using vulgar language will be asked to leave the race site.
    • No parents are allowed in the Transition area at ANY time except in emergency and for the Excite heat. Volunteers are available to assist athletes, if needed.
    • Behaviours which are unsafe and / or give competitors unfair advantage over others are forbidden and may result in athlete disqualification.
    • Exceleration emphasizes FINISHING as WINNING! When you come across the line, turn around the cheer on the next person.
    • Respect, challenge, inclusion, community… and fun! Help us make every athlete’s race experience a memorable one.

    Race Contacts

    Exceleration Triathlon Support Team


    Call or text us at: 604-330-7009

    Thank you to our Donors, Sponsors and Volunteers

    To the staff at Templeton Pool, thank you for accommodating all of our club and race needs. You provide an enormous contribution to the fun, the training and the race season.

    To all our sponsors, thank you for your ongoing support and involvement in our event! Our race would not be possible without you!

    To our volunteers who make all the pieces come together such as food, prizes, sponsors, registration, transition zones, safety on the course and who support the club all year long.