While the AGM was in November, due to Christmas and New Year’s Holiday’s, Exceleration’s first meet with the complete board happened Thursday evening (Jan 11, 2018).

Exceleration wishes to welcome

Erika as new Vice President

Tamara as new Secretary

Judith as new Events Coordinator (moved from Adventure Tri Representative)

Lisa as new Kids of Steel Representative

Micheala as new Adventure Tri Representative

You can find more information about our board (or contact the current board) at https://excelerationtriclub.ca/about/board-of-directors/


Exceleration would also like to thank our board members who “left”

Dan as former Vice President (sticking around and helping with the Adult Program)

Sandy as former Secretary (sticking around and helping at various events)

Erin as former Kids of Steel Representative (sticking around as a Member at Large)