We are not just a sports club.
Exceleration is a springboard to lifelong participation in recreational and competitive sport. It is not just a sports club, it fosters respect for the individual and the community while teaching children to enjoy and play in a variety of safe physical activities. Exceleration welcomes people from all abilities and backgrounds.
At Exceleration, we believe in building people first, athletes second and triathletes third.
Our program discourages coaches and parents from pushing athletes into early specialization and training, and encourages support of the young athletes to explore the skills, self-motivation and playfulness that lead to the life-long love of sport, participation and competition.
Exceleration is a non-profit sports organization and we rely on the support of people and organizations in our community. We are very fortunate to receive grant funding from the BC Gaming Grant and from Canadian Tire’s Jumpstart Charity.
What We Do
We teach Physical Literacy.
We follow a Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) philosophy.
We emphasize Respect and Personal-Social Responsibility.
We include Everyone.
We Play!

What Does a Practice Look Like?
Busy, energetic, chaotic, with athletes MOVING everywhere all the time! Some parents wonder why their kids are “hanging around” on the monkey bars, careening down the slide with their arms and legs in the air, or balancing on the thin border of the playground with their eyes closed. Is this planned? It is just random chaos? What are the coaches DOING? Yes, it is planned. No, it is not random chaos (ok, some of it is PLANNED, random chaos!) The coaches are encouraging athletes to build a foundation of movement and kinesthesia (body awareness) that will allow them to engage in a wide variety of sports and physical pursuits. Read on.
What is Physical Literacy?
“Physical literacy is the development of fundamental movement skills (FMA’s) and fundamental sport skills that permit a child to move confidently and with control is a wide range of physical activity, sport, and rhythmic activities. It includes the ability to “read” what is going on around them in an active setting and react appropriately to events in their environment. Just like “literacy” is the basis for lifelong reading skills, “physical literacy” is the foundation for lifelong enjoyment of sport and physical activity.
At Exceleration we teach more than triathlon skills. We begin with Fundamental Movement Skills (FMAs) at young ages. These are integrated into different themes, activities, and games. A list of some basic FMAs are below. If children do not develop a wide range of FMA’s then they will have difficulty developing SPORT SPECIFIC skills as FMAs underlie the techniques and specific skills in all sports. For example, learning basic foot striking (kicking) will allow a child to learn soccer skills, swim skills (flutter, dolphin, and whip kick), football, rugby, and even hockey skills. We prepare athletes for a life in ANY sport!
Exceleration deals with athletes at the Active Start, FUNdamentals, Sampling, and Active for Life phases. We have some athletes looking toward specializing, but most of our Youth are currently still sampling a number of sports.
We follow the principles and rules of Kids of Steel®, Triathlon Canada’s National Youth Development Program.
We follow tles and rules of Kids of Steel®, Triathlon Canada’s National Youth Development Program.