For Parents, some good information you may want.

An Email to Answer Everything

1) Pro-D Day Camps – Yes, we have camps for your energetic athlete.
2) Know someone not getting emails – here’s what to do
3) Emergency Contacts and Waivers

Pro-D Day Camps

Back by popular demand, we are running Pro-D day camps for everyone (not just athletes in the club).  Our next camp is Friday, October 20th.  Registration is through our website at:

Emails & Mail Chimp

We use Mail Chimp to send out emails.  This means sometimes things go sideways.  What do you do if you know someone not getting emails?
Have them check their Junk Mail box

Email Kris & Kristine at
Have them sign up on our website at:

Emergency Contacts and Waivers

Our master binder contains a list of all the emergency contacts that we have.  We get these from the waiver that are signed for the park’s board.  Sometimes this get out of date or waivers do not get signed or waivers are delayed in getting to us.  If you can stop by the red tent to check our emergency contact list – that would help us a lot.

Note: you can modify your account information online through our members only section at  You can also look at pictures there.