Exceleration’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will happen on Wednesday, Nov 27th from 5:15pm till 5:45pm at Templeton Park Pool in the Activity Room.

There are 5 board positions currently up for Election:

Vice President (2 year term)- assist the President, signing officer, may chair meetings in absence of President.

Treasurer (2 year term)- ensure financial records are kept, ensure financial statements are presented to the board. Recently this position has become more advisory as Exceleration has a contract with a book keeper.

Events Coordinator (2 year term)- coordinate club events. Organize Winterfest, support the Race Director, help coordinate North Shore Triathlon Exceleration Volunteers. They work closely with the Volunteer Coordinator (Sen).

Kids of Steel Representative (1 year term)- represent the Kids of Steel parent view at board meetings. Support Kids of Steel initiatives.

Adventure Tri Representative (1 year term)- represent the Adventure Tri parent view at board meetings. Support Adventure Tri initiatives.

Who can run? Any member of Exceleration can run for these board positions. No experience necessary. We have an amazing current board that will train.

Expectations? Other than specific position expectations, the board meets 9 times a year – on the 2nd Thursday of the month between Sept and June (no meeting in Dec) from 7pm till 9pm.

Who is a member of Exceleration? All parents/guardians of a child enrolled in Exceleration in the past 12 months. All current adult athletes enrolled in Exceleration.

Other: Exceleration’s board as invites interested people to join as a Member at Large. This person generally helps at board meetings and brings some expertise to the club.

Currently we are looking for help with Fundraising. If you have an interest or aptitude for raising funds through sponsorship, please contact us.

We need at least 25 members to attend the AGM.

Why are we a Non-Profit Society with a board of directors? As a non-profit society with a board, we may be a member of TriBC (provides insurance and general governance). We may also apply and receive gaming funds. Currently we receive $29,000 from gaming. This represents approx. 15% of our over all budget. We primarily use these funds to reduce the cost of the program.

Why should you join the board? Cause it’s awesome. Yes, we are very fortunate to have an extremely positive board of directors. Cause you can help Exceleration grow and provide more spots for kids. Cause you get feed at board meetings. Cause you get to see a bit behind the scenes of our awesome and extremely unique club. Cause Kristine will likely give you cookies.

Notice of 2019 AGM and agenda

Coaching and Operations Year End Report Sept 13 2019

Board Report 2019

BudgetvsActualsFY_2018_2019-FY19PL_Nov 13



Tri Club AGM Minutes